Let’s be REAL about life together


Public Speaker. Author. Entrepreneur. Producer. Bible Teacher. Content Creator. Reinventing myself has been a calling that no one told me was in the fine print of my soldier’s military orders. Being a military spouse has been the greatest joy and hardest thing as a woman. I wouldn’t change a thing. It has given me the ability to depend on God in ways, I never knew I needed too. I have learned to trust in Him to write my story. He knows how to take my messes and turn them into messages of His glory and power in an authentic manner.

Our Service

Over 20 years of marriage and the majority of it has been in service to our country. William, my husband, was prior Navy before I knew him. I have only known the Army man. We both worked in the Emergency Medical System and Fire and Rescue Service. Our family is dedicated too volunteering in our community and giving back to military families. In the military William and I have racked up over one hundred hours of volunteer time. Standing beside us has been both our children, Shina and Matthias. Service is something we not only believe in but we live.

My Family

SFC William Ulch is my heart. We have been gifted with two children to raise. Shina, our oldest, is a beautiful kind-hearted young lady. Matthias, our son and the baby of the family is filled with joy and excitement about everything in life. I have three step children that are grown adults and have children of their own. My best friends are my two younger brothers, Chad and Chase. We have the best parents in the world. And a bonus for me, a wonderful mother-in-law. And the friends God has surrounded me with are simply priceless to me. My family and friends are God’s greatest gift to me.

What do I believe? Simply put: I believe God created each of us for His glory. Yet we, through the seed of Adam and Eve, have all fallen short of that glory (sin). And there is an eternal punishment for each of us (sinners). Yet, in His great mercy, God sent His only Son Jesus Christ into the world to provide for sinners (you and me) away to avoid the eternal punishment, we so deserve. Without Christ we are doomed to be separated from God forever. BUT GOD… in His mercy and grace, through Jesus Christ, has offered us the free gift of eternal life. All He ask of us is to accept the gift by trusting Christ as our Lord and Savior, who died sinless on a cross, taking our deserved punishment for us, conquered death and rose on the third day.


From left to right: Matthias, Shina, Chandee, SFC William.